Shows Mastodon posts you’ve bookmarked in Ivory.
Shows the Search tab in Ivory, which shows the Trending posts feature under Browse.
Asks you for a query, then searches your posts or Mastodon users in Ivory.
Asks you to enter a Mastodon username, then displays the account in Ivory.
Shows your Mastodon filters in Ivory, including users, keywords, and hashtags.
Opens a predefined List or a List link passed as input into Ivory for Mastodon.
Sets the “I’m Working” scene, turning on my office lights to optimal levels for the workday.
Opens the Regal website to your Unlimited account page so you can tap to reveal the QR code for your card number.
Presents a date picker, then opens the date you choose inside Fantastical.
Checks for anyone whose birthday is today and starts a message to wish them a happy birthday.
Opens the iCloud Drive section of the Settings app on iOS and iPadOS.
Creates a new Pivot Table Basics template spreadsheet in the Numbers app.
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