Open chat with Mom
Opens the Conversation in Messages with your mother, so you can ask when’s a good time to call her.
Presents a menu of nine conversations to open in Messages, matching your list of nine pinned conversations from within the app.
Opens the Conversation in Messages with your mother, so you can ask when’s a good time to call her.
Opens the conversation in Messages for your primary group chat, so you can text them all the details.
Prompts you to choose from all your conversations in Messages, listed in chronological order from recent to oldest, then opens your choice.
Opens the conversation for your Family group chat so you can keep up with everyone.
Opens the Messages conversation with your sibling, so you can stay better-connected.
Opens the conversation with your father, allowing you to see your past messages.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Side Button where you can adjut the Click Speed, Press and Hold to Speak, and Side Button Confirmation for Switch Control and AssistiveTouch.
Pulls from your Bursts taken on iPhone and makes a GIF out of your choice.
Enables “Slow Genie” minimizing by using the shell to rewrite a hidden system preference.
Looks for snow in the daily forecast for the next 10 days.
Looks for incomplete reminders that contain URLs, then lets you pick from the list and open the links in Safari.
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