Shows posts that you’ve favorited on Mastodon.
Opens so you can find your Twitter following on Mastodon.
Prompts you to pick from the Blocks, Mutes, Domain Blocks, or Muted Words pages in Mastodon’s settings.
Prompts you to open from the Posts, Tags, News, or For You section of Explore.
Presents a menu of every page in Mastodon’s settings to open to.
Opens the VPN and Device Management page in Settings on iOS or the Network preference pane on macOS.
Turns on the Apple TV, set a Home scene, and turns on Entertainment focus for an hour.
Opens the tvClock app for Apple TV that shows the time in a large flip-style format.
Creates a blank document without any paragraph formatting – good for making an empty page to fill with shapes, images, or other Pages capabilities.
Opens the URL for the Analytics page for your Transistor podcast.
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