Get URLs from Input
Returns any links found in the output from the previous action.
Redirects a link from The Movie Database to Callsheet by replacing the URL with the deep link.
Searches The Movie Database for a movie using Toolbox Pro, extracts the ID, and opens the deep link into Callsheet.
Simple shortcut for an App Automation for the IMDB app to instead open Callsheet – this name will appear as the title of your automation.
Searches The Movie Database for TV shows using Toolbox Pro, extracts the ID, and opens the deep link into Callsheet.
Asks you to enter a query, then encodes the text and opens the deep link into Callsheet.
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
Prompts you to pick between Recents, Portraits, Selfies, and Panoramas to send via the Share sheet.
Opens the All Shortcuts tab to show your App Shortcuts plus your custom shortcuts.
Searches for a note called “Links of the Week” and appends the shortcut input or clipboard text to the end in the Notes app.
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