Open Routines notes
Openes the Routines folder where your daily checklists are stored.
Opens a custom “Templates” folder in Notes where I keep notes I want to duplicate.
Openes the Routines folder where your daily checklists are stored.
Opens the “Shared” folder of notes that you’ve collaborated on with others.
Switches the Notes feature for automatically converting hashtags into tags on or off.
Gets text from the Share sheet or clipboard and returns the total word count.
Opens the deep link into the Settings app to the Action button page where you can customize its function (and set it to a shortcut).
Opens the URL to the transcript page for the latest episode of your Transistor podcast.
Opens the deep link into the Recents section of the Phone app to see your incoming and outgoing calls, plus any missed calls (mobilephone-recents://).
Opens the Fandango app when run from iPhone or when run from other devices.
Opens the “Bag” checkout page for the Apple Store. Use this shortcut to reopen your Apple Store “cart” and see the subtotal or add or remove items before checking out.
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