Activates the One Thing menu bar app to display any text.
Sample shortcut showing how One Thing can be used to show progress.
Pick from a list of pre-determined options to display in the Menu Bar.
Grabs a to-do from Things set for Today and displays it in the Menu Bar using One Thing.
Displays the current song playing in Apple Music in the Menu Bar.
Takes highlighted text shared from Books and scrapes out the extra metadata.
Activates a Home scene set to control multiple lights in my home office, turning them on or off depending on the current state.
Asks you to choose a folder from Files or Finder containing your icons, then a folder from Shortcuts containing your shortcuts, then repeats through each adding a custom icon corresponding to the repeat index in the icon folder – icon-1.png for shortcut-1.shortcut (and so on).
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Get the latitude and longitude of your current location or a location shared as input.
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