Opens the deep link to the Personal Voice feature available in Accessibility settings on iOS, where you can create a Personal Voice, decide whether to Share Across Devices, and Allow Apps to Request to Use.
Switches the Voice Control so you can issue commands to your device, giving you hands-free control of your devices.
Works great for Accessibility purposes, as well as simply using a device when you can’t reach it – I use this on my iPad Pro when it’s on the stand I have on my desk.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Audio Descriptions where you can toggle the feature on or off to, when available, automatically play audio descriptions.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Subtitles and Captioning where you can enable or disable Closed Captions + SDH. Also includes options for the Style, and whether to Show Audio Transcriptions for announcements from HomePod.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Hearing Devices where you can pair Made for iPhone hearing aids and sound processors, plus toggle Hearing Aid Compatibility to improve audio quality on some devi
Opens the deep link into Accessibility > Voice Control to so you can toggle the feature on or off to allow you to use your voice to control your device, even when you are on calls. Page also includes a link to the Voice Control Guide, controls for Language, Commands, Vocabulary, and options for Show Confirmation, Play Sound, Show Hints, Continuous Overlay, and Attention Aware.
Opens the Audio or Visual section of Accessibility settings where you can adjust Headphone Accomations, Background Sounds, Mono Audio, Power On and Off Sounds, Headphone Notifications, Balance, and LED Flash for Alerts.
Opens into the Documents folder of iCloud Drive using the Files app.
Opens the Settings app on Apple TV where you can tweak your preferences.
Asks you to enter a title, then creates board in Freeform with that name.
Opens the Settings app to the Health section to let you change your Health Details and Medical ID information, plus Data Access and Devices, Health Records, and Health Checklist.
Uses the Elgato Control Center app to toggle the Key Lights and Key Light mini on or off depending on their current state.
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