Opens the app Play for YouTube on an Apple TV of your choice so you can select videos you’ve saved for later to open in the YouTube app.
Opens the Letterboxd app on the selected Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can navigate
Opens the tvClock app for Apple TV that shows the time in a large flip-style format.
Opens Twitch on the TV of your choice, showing the Remote after so you can select a channel.
Opens the app Fin for Apple TV, which lets you select timers and display them in a huge format.
Opens the Adobe Lightroom app for Apple TV, then shows the remote so you can select an album to view.
Plays the preselected Replay 2017 playlists on Shuffle. Top tracks include Cash Machine, which I found infinitely funny or enjoyable during the same year when the company I worked at got sold to Apple.
Opens the Amazon highlight notebook for all Kindle highlights, including from Comics.
Gets the contents of the Pages folder in iCloud Drive, presents the options, and opens your document of choice.
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