Open Food in News+
Opens to the new “Food” section in Apple News+ that curates stories and recipes for you.
Opens the News app to stories from the Recipe Catalog feature, new in the new Food section in Apple News+.
Opens to the new “Food” section in Apple News+ that curates stories and recipes for you.
Opens the News app to stories about Healthy Eating, located in the new Food section for Apple News+ subscribers.
Opens the section for Kitchen Tools and Techniques in the new Food section for Apple News+ subscribers.
Asks for the current mileage, then logs the date, time, and value into a .CSV file in iCloud Drive.
Asks for your friend’s location and a type of destination, then searches near the halfway point for a place to go.
Asks you to dictate text, then passes that request to the Google Assistant app.
Records normal quality audio, starting or stopping with your tap, then encoding the recorded audio to AIFF before saving to to a folder of your choice.
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