Uses the Open Tab action to access the Alarms section of the Clock app.
Presents a menu of apps compatible with picture-in-picture, waits 30 seconds for you to pick a video, then goes to the Home Screen to pop out the video.
Opens the app Play for YouTube on an Apple TV of your choice so you can select videos you’ve saved for later to open in the YouTube app.
Use this shortcut once you have a few Share Sheet shortcuts and want to organize them accordingly.
You can also drag shortcuts into and out of this folder to add or remove them from the set, which works well with multi-select and drag and d
Opens the deep link into Settings > Bluetooth on iOS or the Bluetooth pane in System Settings on macOS.
Opens the “Movies” page of Regal Cinemas so you can see current, upcoming, and special release films that are available to buy tickets for.
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