Play my Productivity station
Plays the Podcasts station I’ve designed around Productivity shows.
Asks you to pick from your Stations in Podcasts and plays it right away.
Plays the Podcasts station I’ve designed around Productivity shows.
Starts the Podcasts station I’ve designed for shows related to content creators or independent entrepeneurs.
Plays the latest episode of weekly technology shows in my custom Podcasts station.
Plays my Apple Podcasts station for media discussions and entertainment shows.
Starts the top episode in your Favorites station in the Podcasts app.
Prompts you to pick replacement text and which words to be replaced, then finds it and swaps it out for your choice.
Checks the RSS feed of, presents recent stories, and opens one of your choosing.
Uses the Choose From menu action to present top-level categories for Notes folders, then includes multiple other menus for each category and opens into the chosen Folder.
Sets AirDrop receiving to Everyone so you can send or recieve content.
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