Resume my audiobook
Starts playing the most recently-active audiobook in Apple Books.
Plays the audiobook for Getting Things Done by David Allen.
Starts playing the most recently-active audiobook in Apple Books.
Opens the Books app to the Audiobook Store section where you can find and buy new audiobooks.
Opens your recently-viewed items on Amazon so you can back to something you were just looking at.
Opens to the Subscribers tab of the Transistor website for your podcast where you can see total listeners, how many remaining you have in your plan, manage subscribers, and share an invite link.
Opens the App Store app on the Apple TV so you can browse new apps.
Generate a widget chart based on your completed vs total tasks for the day.
Begins listening for dictation, then creates a note with your dictated text.
Opens the Regal website to your Unlimited account page so you can tap to reveal the QR code for your card number.
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