Starts the top episode in your Favorites station in the Podcasts app.
Automatically plays one of your Station presets depending on the time of day.
Plays the Podcasts station I’ve designed around Productivity shows.
Starts the Podcasts station I’ve designed for shows related to content creators or independent entrepeneurs.
Plays the latest episode of weekly technology shows in my custom Podcasts station.
Plays my Apple Podcasts station for media discussions and entertainment shows.
Returns to the Home Screen immediately, dismissing any active apps, Home Screen pages, or Control Center screens.
Activates Stage Manager with the Recent Apps option disabled (and the Dock visible).
Gets the daily forecast, asks you to choose dates, then gets Golden Hour times for each day.
Plays the Upgrade podcast from Relay.FM with Jason Snell and Myke Hurley.
Finds 25 random songs from the last 12 weeks and starts playing it on shuffle.
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