Play my Favorites station
Starts the top episode in your Favorites station in the Podcasts app.
Plays my Apple Podcasts station for media discussions and entertainment shows.
Starts the top episode in your Favorites station in the Podcasts app.
Automatically plays one of your Station presets depending on the time of day.
Starts the Podcasts station I’ve designed for shows related to content creators or independent entrepeneurs.
Plays the latest episode of weekly technology shows in my custom Podcasts station.
Plays the Podcasts station I’ve designed around Productivity shows.
Opens the link to the Library tab of YouTube, which shows your History, Watch Later, Playlists, and Liked Videos.
Takes the default embed code for the most “most recent podcast” player, inserts your podcast code, and copies it to your clipboard to be pasted somewhere online
Opens the Language and Region settings to let you change preferred language, region, live text, or custom language settings per-app.
Takes you into the Sounds settings, located in Settings > Sounds and Haptics on iOS and System Settings > Sounds on macOS.
Opens the Health app to Browse > Mobility to show stats like stair speed, walking speed, and step length.
Presents a menu of apps compatible with picture-in-picture, waits 30 seconds for you to pick a video, then goes to the Home Screen to pop out the video.
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