Plays the audiobook for Wool, the first book in the Silo series.
Opens the Books app to the Audiobook Store section where you can find and buy new audiobooks.
Starts playing the most recently-active audiobook in Apple Books.
Shows you the duration and remaining time for the current timer – uses Timery to format the remaining time nicely.
Immediately starts playing the most recent voice memo taken.
Opens the Milage Log of QuickBooks Self-Employed so you can track how many miles you’ve travelled as business expenses.
Takes shortened links from input and expands them into the full URL.
Creates reminders every hour at 50 minutes in to remind you to stand, repeating throughout the day until 10 pm.
Turns on the TV and sets the Apple TV to your personal profile, appearance preferance, and Reduce Loud Sounds setting, then shows the remote.
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