Get Upcoming Events
Gets upcoming calendar events, ordered from nearest to farthest away in time.
Choose a calendar, number of events, and the day to retrieve from.
Presents a menu of various time periods for setting Do Not Disturb, then adjusts your device according to the choice – includes a few colloquial phrases like “a bit” and “a while” that can be customized to your preferences, plus options for turning it on until lunch or after work.
Sets the playback destination to AirPods Pro and turns Transparency on, turns off Do Not Disturb and Airplane Mode, turns on Cellular Data, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, sets the volume to 85%, the brightness to 100%, and turns on Light mode, then turns on every option for Sound Recognition, then vibrates if run from iPhone when it’s all done.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Focus so you can change details or adjust Home Screens.
Asks you to enter a query, then passes it to Arc Search with “Browse for me” enabled to collect links and summarize results automatically.
Opens the Perplexity API website to the API reference, starting with Chat Completions, you can test your commands against the API and see what’s working.
Dials the number for 1-800-MY-APPLE, the customer service line for Apple Support.
Opens the Wallet app to the extra credit card you might have for backup purchases or emergency situations – the “don’t use this one” card.
Opens the Stream Deck folder in Dropbox or Apps to your profile backups.
Transfers events for the next day from one calendar to another.
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