Find Contacts
Searches for the contacts in your library that match the given criteria.
Checks for anyone whose birthday is today and starts a message to wish them a happy birthday.
Check for contacts whose birthdays are in the next two weeks and displays their name and the date.
Prompts you to enter first, last, and nickname details for a contact before adding them to a pre-programmed group. Useful for gaming friends over Discord.
Shares a duplicate of your personal contact card designed only for business.
Searches for contacts by group, then has you add text to place in their note field.
Creates a new blank contact in the Contacts app, so you can use the app UI to enter in details.
Using you pre-filled home address, displays a notification with the travel time and when you’ll arrive if you leave now.
Opens the automatic playlist for Liked videos created for every YouTube account.
Opens Alto’s Adventure on the Apple TV and shows the remote control on your phone.
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