Sets a reminder 7 hours from now letting me know once my rechargable batteries are finished.
Prompts you to enter a new reminder and adds it under Flagged reminders.
Prompts you to pick reminders, then a contact, then assigns those reminder to show up when you’re messaging that person.
Presents a list of common tasks, then adds select options to the Chores list in Reminders.
Takes URLs from input or your clipboard and adds them to Reminders with the page name as the reminder title.
Sets a reminder to do the laundry in a few days based on a number you input.
Waits a few seconds (to close the shortcut), takes a screenshot, waits for you to return to Shortcuts, then asks you to enter the title before adding it to Reminders.
Opens the link to Search in Threads so you can find posts about specific topics.
Opens the Audio or Visual section of Accessibility settings where you can adjust Headphone Accomations, Background Sounds, Mono Audio, Power On and Off Sounds, Headphone Notifications, Balance, and LED Flash for Alerts.
Pauses Sound Recognition and turns off listenign for Sirens, Fire Alarms, Smoke Alarms, and Shouting.
Opens the “My List” link taken from which redirects into the page of movies and TV shows you’ve saved in the app.
Opens the deep link to the phone app, then sets playback to AirPods and turns on Noise Cancellation.
Opens the “Ad Locations” page for the latest episode of your Transistor podcast.
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