Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Asks you to pick a focus, then turns it on indefinitely.
Presents a list of options for everyday activities (like eating, drinking, moving, and relaxing), then runs the corresponding shortcuts for each.
Gets the next-most calendar event and asks you to pick a Focus to set until the event ends.
Prompts you to pick a Focus that stays on until you leave the current location.
Asks you to pick a time, then a Focus, then turns it on until that time.
Toggles a smart switch by checking its current power state and turning it off or back on accordingly.
Uses the Choose From menu action to present top-level categories for Notes folders, then includes multiple other menus for each category and opens into the chosen Folder.
Opens the app Play for YouTube on an Apple TV of your choice so you can select videos you’ve saved for later to open in the YouTube app.
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