Show my Vitals data
Opens into the Health app to to the Vitals category where you can see data like Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Bloody Oxygen, and the new all-inclusive “Vitals” stats that range from Low to Tpyical to High.
Opens into the Health app to Browse > Body Measurements to display data like weight, BMI, body fat percentage, or stats like waist circumference.
Opens into the Health app to to the Vitals category where you can see data like Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, Bloody Oxygen, and the new all-inclusive “Vitals” stats that range from Low to Tpyical to High.
Opens the Health app to the Immunizations page in the Health Records section where you can display data like your COVID-19 vaccine.
Opens the Heath app to Other Data to display data tracked by Apple Watch and other apps.
Opens to the “Sharing” tab in the Health app where you share with someone, ask someone to share, share with your doctor, and see apps and research studies alongside shared data.
Opens into the Health app to the Clinical Notes section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Presents a menu of Health tabs grouped by section, health records, and categories of health data, then opens to the tab of your choice.
Presents your presentations in Keynote, asks you to pick one, and opens it in Rehearsal Mode.
Asks you to pick a project name from JIRA, then asks you to choose from a list of unresolved issues assigned to you and opens it.
Turns on the Apple TV and opens the Fireplace app, plus shows the remote.
Opens the QuickBooks mobile app so you can log mileage for business trips directly in the app.
Takes your work email added on import and searches the Passwords database for all matching logins.
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