Run a shortcut from a folder
Asks you to pick a folder, then a shortcut, then runs it right away.
Use this shortcut to quickly access, organize, and edit your Quick Actions shortcuts set as Services on macOS.
This shortcut uses the Open Folder action, which includes the auto-generated folders Shortcuts creates for features like Quick Action.
Asks you to pick a folder, then a shortcut, then runs it right away.
Opens the macOS folder System > Library > Services so you can see shortcuts you’ve added as Services.
Use this shortcut once you have a few Share Sheet shortcuts and want to organize them accordingly.
You can also drag shortcuts into and out of this folder to add or remove them from the set, which works well with multi-select and drag and d
Asks you to enter the name of a shortcut, then finds and runs that shortcut. Also uses scripting to check if more than one exists with that name and asks which to run.
Asks you which folder to open, then prompts for a name and creates a new shortcut with that title in that folder.
Use this shortcut to quickly access the Gallery and see what kinds of shortcuts Apple recommends based on your usage, as well as curated categories put together by the Shortcuts team.
Looks for contacts from a given company name (added on input), then asks you to choose which contact and calls them.
Asks you to enter a Mastodon username, then displays the account in Ivory.
Uses AppleScript to press the keyboard shortcut ⌥+⇧+⌘+Q to immediately log out the current user.
Opens the Apple Beta Software Program page where you can sign up for Apple’s public betas for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS, plus learn about upcoming releases.
Asks you to give a search query, then passes it to the Google app to show results.
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