See stories from WIRED
Opens to the latest stories from Wired available for Apple News+ subscribers, as well as links to the various issues above.
Opens the “Puzzles” section available for Apple News+ subscribers, which shows Crosswords, Crossword Mini, and Quartiles games.
Opens to the latest stories from Wired available for Apple News+ subscribers, as well as links to the various issues above.
Presents a menu to open into News stories about Music, Guitar, Bass, Drums, or Amps.
Opens to the free stories shared by the San Francisco Chronicle for Apple News+.
Opens the News app and switches to the Today tab, showing you Top Stories, Trending Stories, For You categories, magazines, the Editor’s pick, and curated categories based on your past browsing.
Simulates the key code for F3, activating Mission Control on the Mac.
Opens the “My Shortcuts” view to show only your custom shortcuts and no App Shortcuts.
Toggles the state of AirPlane mode on or off (depending how it’s currently set).
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