Get Item from List
Returns one or more items from the list passed as input. You can get the first item, the last item, a random item, the item at a particular index, or items in a range of indexes.
Displays a random to-do that’s due today from Things in the Menu Bar.
Pick from a list of pre-determined options to display in the Menu Bar.
Sample shortcut showing how One Thing can be used to show progress.
Displays the current song playing in Apple Music in the Menu Bar.
Accepts text from the shortcut input and asks the default ChatGPT-3.5 model to spell check the text, returning only the corrected text.
Opens the Software Update section of Settings to see if new betas and updates are available.
Prompts to enter the name of a mind map to link to, using the shortcut input or clipboard as default text if present, then encodes the name into a MindNode deep link and copies it to the clipboard.
Asks you to enter a title, then creates an album in the Photos app.
Plays the preselect Replay 2015 playlist on Shuffle. Top tracks include Dreams, Let It Happen, and Eventually…
Gets the Wi-Fi network’s name, turns the Wi-Fi off, and tells you which network you just disconnected from.
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