Show my website Flipboard
Opens the magazine for MatthewCassinelli.com which contains all the articles published from my blog.
Opens the Flipboard account for The Verge where you can see recent stories from the cutting edge of technology.
Opens the magazine for MatthewCassinelli.com which contains all the articles published from my blog.
Opens the URL for the News magazine from the Flipboard News Desk into the app.
Opens Flipboard.com or tools, a page where you can find embed features for your (or any) magazines, plus find informations about follow, share, and Flip It buttons to install on your website.
Opens the URL for The News Desk’s Technology section to see top stories curated by Flipboard.
Asks you to enter a username, then opens that account in Flipboard.
Opens the Flipboard Picks magazine curated by the Flipboard team to show interesting stories from the platform.
Opens the Language and Region settings to let you change preferred language, region, live text, or custom language settings per-app.
Opens the Milage Log of QuickBooks Self-Employed so you can track how many miles you’ve travelled as business expenses.
Presents a list of Education templates from the Numbers app, including an attendance spreadsheet, grade book, GPA sheet, probability calculator, correlation project, or academic calendar.
Opens the Perplexity API website to the API reference, starting with Chat Completions, you can test your commands against the API and see what’s working.
Pull the data for the best light around sunset and sunrise tomorrow morning.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
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