Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Opens the link to the Library tab of YouTube, which shows your History, Watch Later, Playlists, and Liked Videos.
Complete dictionary of YouTube playlists in your collection, grouped by Personal or Work, then subgroups by category.
Presents a menu of playlists from YouTube creators and lets you open directly to their queue in the app.
Pulls from a dictionary of YouTube playlists and lets you pick from subgroups to open in the app.
For links shared from videos playing inside a playlist, this will scrape out the ID and reformat it into the main playlist link.
Presents a menu of YouTube playlists sorted into your “Personal” group, letting you choose one and open it in the app.
For a given YouTube video passed in as input, this isolates the URL parameter after “list=“ that represents a video playlist ID.
Creates a new blank contact in the Contacts app, so you can use the app UI to enter in details.
Takes an input location or your current location and searches for gas stations, then gives you driving directions to your choice.
receives a photo from the Share Sheet ( or asks you to pick one) and passes it to the Google app to the Lens feature, using it as a search input and showing you results based off what it sees.
Complete dictionary of YouTube playlists in your collection, grouped by Personal or Work, then subgroups by category.
Asks you to pick from contacts in your friends group and individually message them for the holidays.
Opens the Wallet app to the show the pass card for travel lounge access – I use mine with Chase Priority Pass.
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