Search through my Comics library
Asks you to enter a search query, formats it for an Amazon URL, and opens the search results in the Kindle library (including non-Comics results).
Opens to the Subscribe page for Comixology Unlimited so you can start your free trial and agree to sign up after 30 days.
Asks you to enter a search query, formats it for an Amazon URL, and opens the search results in the Kindle library (including non-Comics results).
Opens the Amazon website to the Comixology account management page, where find links to your library or the Kindle app and connect your Amazon or Comixology accounts as needed.
Opens your Amazon profile to the Digital Content management page for Comixology Unlimited where you can do things like delete comics or add them to collections.
Opens the main Comixology home page and shows the Basket so you can see the total items in your cart and check out.
Opens the “See More” link on your personalized Comixology storefront curating Best Sellers for you based on your collection.
Opens the New Releases tab in the Comixology section of the Amazon website.
Takes an input and counts the total words, then displays the information in a dialog or speaks it back with Siri.
Pauses Sound Recogntion and disables the option to listen for home lifestyle sounds.
Opens Freeform and presses the keyboard shortcut to create a new window.
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