Copy to Clipboard
Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard.
Corrects the spelling of the text shared as input or from your clipboard, then presents it a prompt to confirm before copying.
Uses a regular expressions to automatically get rid of new lines that don’t have any text in them.
Scrapes out any list elements like dashes, asterisks, or double brackets so you’re left with only new lines of text.
Takes the input from the Share sheet or clipboard, lets you choose from UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalizing Every Word, swapping to Title Case, or swapping to Sentence case, and copies it to your clipboard.
Takes text, splits it by new lines, and adds an asterisk and a space before each for pasting as a list in Markdown-compatible apps.
Asks you to enter a caption, then copies it in a Markdown image reference.
Opens the ChatGPT app for Mac and uses AppleScript to press Command + Option + Control + F to Enter Full Screen.
Opens the App Store app on the Apple TV so you can browse new apps.
Uses your personal email added on import and searches Passwords for all matching logins.
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