Repeat with Each
Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list.
Takes two photos and combines them on top of each other with 150px in between.
Prompts you to pick between Recents, Portraits, Selfies, and Panoramas to send via the Share sheet.
Removes the background of a photo, cropping the remaining subject to remove blank space.
Opens the Photos collection that shows you media from One Year Ago.
Removes the background of a photo before appending it to an ongoing note so you can look back at past outfits.
Opens the collection of photos and videos that you’ve favorited using the heart icon in Photos.
Opens the “Recents” collection in Photos, which shows photos and videos, plus imported graphics that don’t appear in the main Library view.
Asks you to pick from your Saved Activity list from the Magnifier app and activates your choice.
Gets the latest episode from your Transistor podcast and scrapes out the ID for the media URL and pastes it into the episode embed player.
Presents a menu of various time periods for setting Do Not Disturb, then adjusts your device according to the choice – includes a few colloquial phrases like “a bit” and “a while” that can be customized to your preferences, plus options for turning it on until lunch or after work.
Opens into Settings > Display on iOS and System Settings > Displays on macOS so you can arrange your Mac or iPad displays accordingly.
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