Start voice chat
Opens ChatGPT and activates the voice conversation feature, letting you talk hands-free with ChatGPT and have it respond with voice.
Accepts text from the shortcut input and asks the more-advanced ChatGPT-4 model to summarize the text, returning only the summary.
Opens ChatGPT and activates the voice conversation feature, letting you talk hands-free with ChatGPT and have it respond with voice.
Starts a new continuous chat with ChatGPT-4o, where it will prompt you to start a conversation and replies until you stop responding.
Starts a new continuous conversation with ChatGPT, asking you to pick which model before starting the chat.
Starts a new continuous conversation with ChatGPT-4, starting with a prompt of your own.
Prompts you to enter a query, then asks ChatGPT your given message using GPT-4, the shows you the response after copying it to your clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
Accepts text from the shortcut input and asks the default ChatGPT-3.5 model to spell check the text, returning only the corrected text.
Opens the Settings app on Apple TV where you can tweak your preferences.
Opens the deep link into the History section of the YouTube library page in the app.
Plays a sound file of your choice. Use this as a confirmation sound for your NFC tags.
Asks you to pick a folder of shortcuts, then iterates through letting you select a contact for each and using their Contact Photo as the Home Screen icon.
Searches for a note called “Links of the Week” and appends the shortcut input or clipboard text to the end in the Notes app.
Opens the Wallet app to the rewards card for your local coffee shop.
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