Wait to Return
Pauses execution until you leave the Shortcuts app and return to it.
This action might be useful after an action that switches apps, to pause execution until you return to the Shortcuts app.
Waits a few seconds (to close the shortcut), takes a screenshot, waits for you to return to Shortcuts, then asks you to enter the title before adding it to Reminders.
Sets a reminder to do the laundry in a few days based on a number you input.
Adds one hour to the current time and sets a reminder telling you the laundry is done.
Takes URLs from input or your clipboard and adds them to Reminders with the page name as the reminder title.
Uses the Dictate Text action set to stop listening “After Pause” and then saves my text into the To Do list created in Reminders (or your default list).
Sets a reminder 7 hours from now letting me know once my rechargable batteries are finished.
Presents a list of common tasks, then adds select options to the Chores list in Reminders.
Opens the Stream Deck folder in Dropbox or Apps to your profile backups.
Use this shortcut to quickly access, organize, and edit your Quick Actions shortcuts set as Services on macOS.
This shortcut uses the Open Folder action, which includes the auto-generated folders Shortcuts creates for features like Quick Action.
Asks you to pick from tasks assigned to Today and opens any URLs in the Notes.
Opens the Sound Recognition section of Accessibility settings and lets you toggle the feature on or off, see how much storage is used, and choose which sounds to recognize.
Creates a reflection entry in Day One with selected photos from the past year.
Take a link from the Share sheet or yourclipboard and open it in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to see past versions of the page.
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