Opens the Account section of where you can manage your profile, turn on two-step authentication, update your billing and subscription details, and copy your API key.
Accesses the Transistor API and extracts the episode data in a nicely-formatted view. Requires the Actions app.
Takes the default embed code for the most “most recent podcast” player, inserts your podcast code, and copies it to your clipboard to be pasted somewhere online
Accesses the Transistor API to retrieve your analytics data, then summarizes the total downloads over the last 14 days.
Takes the default embed code for multiple podcast episodes, inserts your podcast string, and copies the result to your clipboard to be pasted somewhere online.
Opens the “Ad Locations” page for the latest episode of your Transistor podcast.
Opens the URL to the transcript page for the latest episode of your Transistor podcast.
Accepts a Thread link as input, extracts the username and excerpt, and formats it with multiple link types into a JSON dictionary shared as output.
Records high quality audio immediately for 1 minute and saves it to a folder of your choice.
Opens the link to Search in Threads so you can find posts about specific topics.
Opens the Software Update section of Settings to see if new betas and updates are available.
Saves the icon of any shortcut to be used online or in your StreamDeck setup.
Opens the Books app to the Finished tab where you can see past books you’ve completed.
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