Advanced actions

Extract Archive
Extracts files from the archive passed as input. Many archive formats are supported, including zip, rar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, gzip, cpio, cab, and iso archives.
Filter Articles
Given a list of articles, this action returns the articles that match the given criteria.
Remove Events
Removes all events passed into the action from the calendars they are contained in, including future repeats.
Repeat with Each
Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list.
Get Time Between Dates
Subtracts the specified date from the date passed into the action. For example, this action could get the number of minutes from now until a calendar event passed in as input.
Set Dictionary Value
Sets a value in the dictionary passed into the action.
Get Dictionary Value
Gets the value for the specified key in the dictionary passed into the action.
Get Dictionary from Input
Makes a dictionary from the text passed as input. JSON (like {“foo”: “bar”}), key-value pairs (like foo=bar&baz=biz), and XML-based plist are supported.
Passes the specified list of key-value pairs to the next action as a dictionary.
Append to Text File
Adds the text passed as input to the end of the specified file. Requires the name or path of the file to retrieve. For example, if you are appending a file called “notes.txt” in a folder called “Public”, use “/Public/notes.txt”.
Delete Files
Delete the files passed in as input.
Generate Hash
Generates a MD5/SHA1 hash from the input.
Filter Files
Given a list of files, this action returns the files that match the given criteria. Allows for sorting, changing the order, and limiting the number passed as a result.
Base64 Encode
Encodes or decodes text or files using Base64 encoding.
Make Archive
Makes an archive out of the files passed as input. Supports creating zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar, gzip, cpio, or iso archives.
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