Just Announced – Cyberpunk 2077 Coming to Mac! »
Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to MacOS early next year – a tipping point for AAA games on Mac?
Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to MacOS early next year – a tipping point for AAA games on Mac?
Get my folder of ChatGPT shortcuts for the new native Mac app – control the main window, activate the launcher, and start new chats.
Developer Mikà Kruschel has released a free utility on the Mac App Store to let you turn regular icons into Mac-style icons.
On Tuesday, February 27th at 12pm PST, I’ll be streaming with designer and developer Rafael Conde to discuss Mac window arrangements, Spaces, and making a Home Screen-like setup – plus how to use this all with Shortcuts.
Bear 2 has launched with a host of new features – and two new Shortcuts actions for Mac users.
MacStories covered Detail Duo and Detail for Mac – a set of creative video apps for storytelling (complete with Shortcuts support, of course).
Portal for Mac lets users great immersive, focused environments – and it supports Shortcuts too!
No Man’s Sky launched for Mac today after an announcement at Apple’s WWDC last year. Now, it’s available on Steam for free – is the iPad launch coming soon?
Bike Outliner for Mac has added 14 new actions to Shortcuts to automate your outlines, including a video tutorial.
After making a set of shortcuts for One Thing for Mac, I built a simple progression meter for the Menu Bar using Shortcuts.
My collection of shortcuts for One Thing for Mac, a Menu Bar applet that lets you display any text — automate your music, tasks, and current status.
Join me today, Monday, March 7 at 4pm Pacific/ 7pm Eastern with special guest Chris Lawley as we talk about his latest videos and the
David Spark’s latest Field Guide has been my guide for learning Keyboard Maestro, the Mac automation multitool that’s crazy useful.
Building quick ways to save your clipboard with the Copied app for iOS
If you’ve picked up Apple’s HomePod in the past few weeks and tried to use iTunes on your Mac to Airplay something to the speaker,