Upgrade #421: Summer of Automation

I had a guest appearance on the Upgrade podcast from Relay.FM, joining Federico Viticci and Rosemary Orchard to discuss Shortcuts with host Jason Snell.

From Relay.FM:

Before the sun sets on the Summer of Fun, Jason has rounded up three Apple automation experts–Federico Viticci, Rosemary Orchard, and Matthew Cassinelli–to discuss the present and future of user automation on Apple’s platforms. Also, Myke and Jason debate the iOS 16 music scrubber.

Earlier this summer, I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Upgrade podcast on Relay.FM, speaking with host Jason Snell and fellow special guests Federico Viticci and Rosemary Orchard for a great discussion about Shortcuts.

Listen to the full show on Apple Podcasts or see the episode details on Relay.FM.

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