Asks you to pick from a menu Apple Music Holiday playlists to open.
Looks for snow in the daily forecast for the next 10 days.
Displays the temperature in conditions between 7 AM and 7 PM for the next 24 hours.
Asks you to pick from your contacts, then shows a Messages window for each so you can send a thank-you message.
Asks you to pick from contacts in your friends group and individually message them for the holidays.
Switches the setting to Reduce White Point, lowering the overall screen brightness below normally-allowed levels.
Opens the iCloud Drive section of the Settings app on iOS and iPadOS.
Opens the Places collection in Photos to show the map or grid of where you’ve taken all your photos and videos.
Gets the daily forecast, asks you to choose dates, then gets Golden Hour times for each day.
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Gets your Parked Car location and opens it in Google Maps.
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