Copy to Clipboard
Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard.
Asks you to enter a time value, then presents it in different formats and lets you choose which one to copy.
Presents you with a list of common and custom date or time formats, then copies the choice you make.
Input a time, then calculate and copy the values for a prefilled list of time zones and corresponding emoji.
Takes a timestamp like 4:51 and converts it to total seconds.
Asks you to pick a time zone, then formats the date to show the offset value (such as +0800).
Sleeps a specified Apple TV, also turning off any HDMI-CEC connected devices like a TV set.
Switches the Theater Mode setting on your Apple Watch to enable or disable all alerts, touches, and wake-on-raise-wrist.
Turns on the TV and sets the Apple TV to your personal profile, appearance preferance, and Reduce Loud Sounds setting, then shows the remote.
Gets your Parked Car location and shows it in a preview.
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