Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Adds data to Health that you brushed you teeth, either at the current time or an earlier date you input.
Asks you to choose the type of caffeinated drink (coffee, espresso, cappuccino, or a soda) and logs the caffeine content into the Health app. Also compares against the daily recommended limit of milligrams of caffeine.
Asks you to enter a total length, then logs the recovery time into Health as a Workout.
Asks you to enter the ounces of water you want to log, then adds it to the Health app.
Asks you to enter a total length of time, then logs it as a stretching workout.
Opens the Heath app to Other Data > Handwashing to display data tracked by Apple Watch.
Opens the Health app to Browse > Mobility to show stats like stair speed, walking speed, and step length.
Opens the Fandango app when run from iPhone or when run from other devices.
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