Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Removes the background of a photo before appending it to an ongoing note so you can look back at past outfits.
Prompts you to pick between Recents, Portraits, Selfies, and Panoramas to send via the Share sheet.
Opens the collection of photos and videos that you’ve favorited using the heart icon in Photos.
Opens the Photos collection that shows you media from One Year Ago.
Opens the “Recents” collection in Photos, which shows photos and videos, plus imported graphics that don’t appear in the main Library view.
Removes the background of a photo, cropping the remaining subject to remove blank space.
Gets 10 items from Apple’s RSS feed for top TV seasons, presents the options to you, and opens the URL for your choice into iTunes.
Converts the shortcut input from rich text to Markdown and adds it as a new sheet in Ulysses.
Takes you to the page on Amazon where you can set up subscription orders for repeat purchases.
Presents a menu of every page in Mastodon’s settings to open to.
Asks you to pick from upcoming events from your calendar, gets the location, asks for total passengers, and requests a ride to your destination.
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