Open from saved searches for entries
Presents a list of pre-programmed Search options, then searches for the chosen text in the Journal app.
Opens the Journal app to the recording screen so you can create an Audio entry.
Presents a list of pre-programmed Search options, then searches for the chosen text in the Journal app.
Prompts you to enter text and a title for an entry, then adds it to the Journal app marked as “Bookmarked.”
Prompts you to enter a query, then opens to search results for your input text in the Journal app.
Asks you to select an image from Photos or Files, then some associated text, then attaches it to a new entry in the Journal app.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Journal where you can adjust features like Journaling Suggestions, whether to lock your journal, and your journaling schedule
Changes the current Apple Watch face to the one I’ve designed with smart-home specific complications.
Asks you to choose a folder from Files or Finder containing your icons, then a folder from Shortcuts containing your shortcuts, then repeats through each adding a custom icon corresponding to the repeat index in the icon folder – icon-1.png for shortcut-1.shortcut (and so on).
Activates Stage Manager with the Show Dock option toggled (and Recent Apps hidden).
Switches the Threads app to your own profile. Userful for checking your follower count.
Pings your iPhone using your Apple Watch, including an optional lights on or off.
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