Complex shortcuts

These shortcuts take advantage of advanced actions and involve intricate programming concepts that work together to solve a very specific need.

Some of these do one thing very well, while others may do lots of things as one single shortcut.

Either way, there’s likely a lot of actions and the whole thing might be hard to understand at first glance – your best bet is reading the comments and testing it out with a trial run.

Log caffeine

Asks you to choose the type of caffeinated drink (coffee, espresso, cappuccino, or a soda) and logs the caffeine content into the Health app. Also compares against the daily recommended limit of milligrams of caffeine.

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Analyze address

Gets addresses from the clipboard or shared as input, presents a menu if more than one is found, and then gives options for sharing it, showing it in maps, getting directions, getting travel time, or sharing the Maps URL to that spot.

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Show my Hearing data

Opens into the Health app to the Hearing category where you can see headphone audio levels, environmental sound levels, environmental sound reduction, and any noise notifications or hearing test results.

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