Batch-create shortcuts with phrase
Asks you to open an existing folder in Shortcuts, then asks you to enter a list of shortcut names with text prepended or appended before creating those shortcuts in the folder.
Asks you to choose from your Shortcuts folders and repeats through the shortcuts for that folder, letting you choose a custom title, then choose from Files for the icon before adding it to the Home Screen.
Asks you to open an existing folder in Shortcuts, then asks you to enter a list of shortcut names with text prepended or appended before creating those shortcuts in the folder.
Asks you to pick a folder of shortcuts, then iterates through letting you select a contact for each and using their Contact Photo as the Home Screen icon.
Opens the deep link in Settings to the Home Screen and App Library customizations.
Asks you to pick a folder from Shortcuts and opens it, then asks you to enter a list of names for Home Screen shortcuts and creates them in that folder.
Asks you to pick from your Shortcuts folders, then repeats through the shortcuts from that folder asking you for a custom title and image from Photos before adding it to the Home Screen with a custom icon.
Using my folder of Xbox games shortcuts, this automatically adds any new games I choose to the Home Screen using my preferred short title style and icons created using my xCloud folder of shortcuts.
Plays Do By Friday, a weekly challenge podcast with hosts Alex Cox and Merlin Mann.
Simulates the universal key command for the opening an app’s preferences: ⌘+,
Given your custom Club MacStories RSS feed, this will retrieve the 25 latest items published for members-only and asks you which links you want to open.
Opens the deep link into the Accessibility settings for Switch Control, which allows you to use your iPhone by sequentially highlighting items on the screen that can be activated through an adaptive accesssory. Other options include settings for Switches, Recipe, Scanning Style, Auto Scanning Time, Pause on First Item, Loops, Move Repeat, Long Press, Tap Behavior, Focused Item After Tap, and keyboard, switch stabilization, point scanning, audio, and menu items controls.
Opens the curated playlists for each genre page in Apple Music (formerly A-List playlists).
Opens the Slo-Mo mode in the Camera app – mine is set to 1080p 240 fps.
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