Opens the Letterboxd app on the selected Apple TV, then shows the Remote so you can navigate
Opens the tvClock app for Apple TV that shows the time in a large flip-style format.
Opens the SpeedTest app for Apple TV which lets you check your internet’s upload and download speeds.
Opens the app Play for YouTube on an Apple TV of your choice so you can select videos you’ve saved for later to open in the YouTube app.
Opens the MasterClass app for Apple TV so you can browse or continue watching a lesson.
Opens Twitch on the TV of your choice, showing the Remote after so you can select a channel.
Opens the Account page of the App Store app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Plays Do By Friday, a weekly challenge podcast with hosts Alex Cox and Merlin Mann.
Opens into the Documents folder of iCloud Drive using the Files app.
Gets URLs from input, extracts the name, then formats it as a Markdown link.
Takes the current episode from Overcast, finds the show in Podcasts, and opens the last episode.
Asks you to pick from a list of all available apps sorted in alphabetical order and opens your choice.
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