Opens the Settings app on Apple TV where you can tweak your preferences.
Opens the Apple Fitness app on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can pair your Apple Watch and begin a workout.
Wakes up the specified Apple TV, then activates the built-in Screen Saver feature to display ambient scenes instead of the Home Screen.
Opens the Podcasts app for Apple TV on the selected device, thne shows the remote so you can pick something to listen to
Turns on the TV and sets the Apple TV to your personal profile, appearance preferance, and Reduce Loud Sounds setting, then shows the remote.
Shows the Apple TV remote and lets you control the device from your iPhone or iPad.
Calls an Apex Legends API to get the activate map in Public matches and gives you the current information.
Previews a local webpage copy of Unicode Technical Standard #35 for Locale Data Markup Language, letting you see all the custom date format strings you can use in Shortcuts.
Opens the Health app to Browse > Mobility to show stats like stair speed, walking speed, and step length.
Asks you to type in a search and finds the results on Giphy.
Checks for the time when you set your Parked Car and returns it to you.
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