Opens Amazon Prime Video on Apple TV or on the web if run from Mac.
Opens the Podcasts app for Apple TV on the selected device, thne shows the remote so you can pick something to listen to
Opens the Apple TV app on the selected TV, then shows the Remote so you can pick something from your Up Next or a connected service.
Opens the Apple Music app for Apple TV on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can play something.
Presents a menu of apps compatible with picture-in-picture, waits 30 seconds for you to pick a video, then goes to the Home Screen to pop out the video.
Gets your current location and sends it to your Family group in Contacts using Messages.
Prompts you to choose from a dictionary of your favorite streamers and opens the link to their channel.
Presents the share sheet for any content you have copied to your clipboard.
Increase the text size on your device (and reset it) as needed. Includes options for “Easier,” “Monitor Stand” (my custom setup), and “Defaults.”
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