Browse Apple Developer topics

Presents a list of categories from Apple’s developer pages, then reformats the option of your choosing into the URL for that category and opens it.

Actions Used

Passes the specified URL to the next action.
Change Case
Changes the case of the text passed into the action to UPPERCASE, lowercase, or Title Case.
Replace Text
Replaces some text passed into the action with other text.
Split Text
Separates text passed into the action into a list.
Passes the specified text to the next action.
Open URLs
Opens URLs passed into the action in Safari (or the corresponding app if it’s a deep link).
Choose from List
Presents a menu of the items passed as input to the action and outputs the user’s selection. Prompt The instruction provided when the list is presented. Select Multiple When enabled, multiple items may be chosen from the list.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “Browse Apple Developer topics” end tell

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