Opens the Activity Monitor app to see actively-running processes.
Picks from a dictionary of Mac apps and their IDs, then uses SSH to remotely open the app on the Mac.
Opens various apps you want running in the Menu Bar like Alfred, Plex, or 1Password.
Opens the Settings app to the FaceTime category where you can control incoming calls, announce calls, where you can be reached, Live Captions, and Eye Contact.
Presents the link excerpt, then asks you to share your commentary along with the URL in a new post on Threads.
Opens the Srore tab of the TV app to show the top TV shows and Movies that are on sale.
Puts the current display to sleep (while still keeping the device awake)
Presents a menu of the 7 movies in the Mission Impossible series (so far) and lets you open the film of choice in the TV app.
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