Prep for session screenshots
Resizes the Apple Developer window to the second screen at my preferred size for taking screenshots, then opens Craft and centers it on the main display.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 1 to open to the Discover page, where you can see curated categories and recent articles.
Resizes the Apple Developer window to the second screen at my preferred size for taking screenshots, then opens Craft and centers it on the main display.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 3 to open to the Downloads page, where you can find videos you’ve saved offline.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + Option + C to copy the URL of the current session to your clipboard.
Opens the Apple Developer app for Apple TV so you can view bookmarks, browse presentations, and search for topics. When run from Mac, maximizes the window to Full Screen.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + Shift + U to mark the current video as watched (or unwatched).
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + 2 to open to the Bookmarks page, where you can see sessions you’ve saved for later.
Presents a menu of apps compatible with picture-in-picture, waits 30 seconds for you to pick a video, then goes to the Home Screen to pop out the video.
Takes an article from input and calculates an average speaking speed based on the words-per-minute, then reads the article out loud in its entirety.
Performs a search of your choice nearby and gives you biking directions to your chosen option.
Asks you to pick from completed grocery reminders and removes them.
Sets the volume to 30%, starts Podcasts, and sets playback to the current device.
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