Open Disney Plus watchlist
Shows your Watchlist of movies and series saved for lon Disney+.
Opens Marvel-branded content on Disney+ like The Avengers movies.
Shows your Watchlist of movies and series saved for lon Disney+.
Opens the page to let you decide which person is watching on Disney+
Opens the National Geographic category in Disney+ to show content on topics like animals, space, and world history.
Opens Disney+ to the main Home page where you can see categories like Continue Watching or Watch Again.
Opens the special Disney category in Disney+ to show their own-branded material like movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Opens the Movies category on Disney+ to show feature films from the servi
Using your Bluesky username, opens the link to the list of people you are Following.
Gets driving time from current location to your work address, showing the route and arrival time as well.
Opens a set of apps designed for everyday use in the studio – includes Widgetsmith, Fantastical, Freeform, Music, and Photos.
Opens your Drafts using Open Mailbox on iOS and AppleScript key commands on Mac.
Creates a spreadsheet using the Calendar template in Numbers.
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