Get Dictionary from Input
Makes a dictionary from the text passed as input. JSON (like {“foo”: “bar”}), key-value pairs (like foo=bar&baz=biz), and XML-based plist are supported.
Opens the “Ad Locations” page for the latest episode of your Transistor podcast.
Accesses the Transistor API to retrieve your subscriber data and extract the Total Count.
Opens the Account section of where you can manage your profile, turn on two-step authentication, update your billing and subscription details, and copy your API key.
Opens the default episodes dashboard on Transistorm for a pre-selected podcast.
Ues the Transistor API to get your show data and presents it in a nicely-formatted view. Requires the Actions app.
Uses the Transistor API to look at your show data, gets the first show, and extracts the ID for use in your other shortcuts.
Accesses the Transistor API to retrieve your account data, looks at first show, then retrieves the slug from its attributes – copy it and paste it into your other shortcuts.
Opens to the Subscribers tab of the Transistor website for your podcast where you can see total listeners, how many remaining you have in your plan, manage subscribers, and share an invite link.
Dials the number for 1-800-MY-APPLE, the customer service line for Apple Support.
Looks for snow in the daily forecast for the next 10 days.
Presents a menu of Health tabs grouped by section, health records, and categories of health data, then opens to the tab of your choice.
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