Show handwashing data
Opens the Heath app to Other Data > Handwashing to display data tracked by Apple Watch.
Opens into the Sleep section of the Apple Health where the Sleep Schedule information can be changed.
Opens the Heath app to Other Data > Handwashing to display data tracked by Apple Watch.
Opens the Settings app to the Health section to let you change your Health Details and Medical ID information, plus Data Access and Devices, Health Records, and Health Checklist.
Looks at the Health app for total steps and distance for today, then formats the information to display in an alert or be spoken back from Siri.
Opens the Health app to the Activity section to display Rings and Workouts data gathered by Apple Watch.
Opens the Health app to Environmental Volume Levels to display data gathered from the Noise app on Apple Watch.
Opens into the Apple Health app to display any Toothbrushing data that’s been tracked automatically or entered manually.
Asks what game was played, how it ended, and what you could learn from it, then logs it in Notes with the time stamp.
Shows the most recently-active book you’ve been reading and opens it.
Turns on the lights in the main rooms, bathroom, and bedroom maximum lighting while cleaning the house.
Takes an input and counts the total words, then displays the information in a dialog or speaks it back with Siri.
Opens the deep link into Apple Music TV, immediately starting the currently-playing music videos.
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